SENINI STONE was pleased to participate in EXPO CIHAC 2023: Mexico City, 11/13 October, at the Citibanamex Centre in Mexico City. In collaboration and close synergy with CONFINDUSTRIA MARMOMACCHINE, ICE-Agency and in particular with the ICE Office in Mexico City (Italian Trade Agency – Mexico City Office). EXPO CIHAC is the trade fair of reference in Mexico and Latin America for the construction industry and the innovations affecting the building industry, architecture and interior design on a broad spectrum. In fact, construction is one of the main sectors of the Mexican economy and the most important in terms of market value in all of Latin America.
The translating architect: conference in Brescia
SENINI STONE, together with the other companies that make up the BRESCIAN LAPID DISTRICT, in collaboration with the Order of Architects of Brescia, organized the conference of Arch. Vincenzo Latina, as part of the Review "Architecture and Criticism," entitled: THE...